Posts Tagged "montana"
Visionary group in Montana tells us their rural transit success story
This group we visited with last week in Montana, Opportunity Link, received a welcome shot in the arm, announced just this morning: they received a $1.5 million grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of the 2011 Sustainable Communities regional planning grant program. 468 applications requesting more than $500 million in funding […]
Transit advocates in Oregon and Montana take to the op-ed pages
A pair of op-ed pieces published in the past week illustrate a clamoring for action on a transportation bill that invests in the future and expands travel options for all Americans – and a resistance to the deep cuts some are championing in Washington. The head of a development firm specializing in green building and […]
Smarter transportation case study #1: Yellowstone LINX Cooperative
The LINX program has integrated transportation providers in 27 counties for an easy-to-use and more seamless network for riders in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Our new report on smarter mobility demonstrates how existing and emerging technologies can squeeze more capacity from over-burdened highways, help commuters avoid traffic delays and expand and improve transportation options, all while saving money and creating jobs. These 14 case studies demonstrate the community benefits smart mobility solutions are giving regions, cities, and businesses.