about t4america

Who we are

Transportation for America is an advocacy organization made up of local, regional and state leaders who envision a transportation system that safely, affordably and conveniently connects people of all means and ability to jobs, services, and opportunity through multiple modes of travel.


Time to stop limping along, spending billions with an unclear purpose for marginal returns

Strong local economies are the foundation of a strong national economy. Across the country, business, civic and elected leaders understand that a strong transportation network drives the success of our local economies.

They know local employers need to be able to recruit and retain workers both within and from outside their home communities, and they need efficient ways to get their goods to market. Workers of all incomes need safe, affordable, dependable access to jobs. And our cities, suburbs and towns must be able to attract talent and compete on a global scale.

This situation threatens America’s ability to compete economically.

Yet the federal government and states spend billions on transportation each year while failing to address our most basic need: getting people where they need to go safely and efficiently. 

More money alone will not suffice without accountability for measurable or tangible accomplishments. We need a new plan beyond “spend more money.”

Transportation for America is bringing people together to change that conversation, in Congress and state houses across the nation.


The broken, rudderless federal program does far more harm than good. It’s time for a reset.

T4America’s three guiding principles for transportation investment are concrete, measurable, and have outcomes attached—something taxpayers should certainly be able to expect from our federal transportation program that spends tens of billions of dollars annually. Taken together, these three principles and outcomes paint a vision of a safer, more equitable, and more accessible transportation system for the country.

View simple sharable cards explaining each one of these three principles

Principle #3: Invest in the rest. For 60 years we've invested hundreds of billions of dollars in highways. Now it's time to invest in the rest to create a complete transportation network so more Americans can safely travel by foot, bike, bus, or train. Cartoon of a man exiting a sad looking vehicle and entering a beautiful image of a street filled with crosswalks, wide sidewalks, and bus lanes

If we change federal policy to invest more wisely in a strong, modern transportation system for the 21st century, we will be creating prosperous cities, towns and suburbs where businesses thrive and people of all incomes and ages can live healthy and productive lives.

Questions? Contact us.

Transportation for America is a program of Smart Growth America