Posts Tagged "infrastructure bank"
Obama budget cues start of serious negotiations over transportation funding

With the release of his budget proposal yesterday, President Obama at last offered some specifics on his plan to use the repatriation of taxable corporate profits to fund transportation. In doing so, he staked out a starting point for real-world negotiations over a possible six-year transportation bill – the first time such a prospect has seemed remotely realistic in six years.
Kerry-Hutchison-Warner infrastructure bank would leverage private investment for revenue-generating projects
Last week, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators introduced a bill to create a variation of the national infrastructure bank touted by President Obama. The BUILD Act is sponsored by Senator John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee from Massachusetts, as well as Texas Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner, a former governor with a history of prioritizing transportation infrastructure.
President Obama proposes $556 billion, six-year federal transportation program
President Obama released a budget for fiscal year 2012 this morning that includes a significant boost to our nation’s infrastructure and a long-overdue emphasis on options and accountability. The $556 billion, six-year proposal is an ambitious standout in a largely sober blueprint.
More infrastructure investment will create jobs, boost economy, according to Treasury Sec. Geithner
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner hammered on the job-creation and economy-boosting effects of the Obama administration’s plan for infrastructure investment in a blog post on the department’s website. Writing the same day Vice President Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood were in Philadelphia promoting a $53 billion, 6-year passenger rail package, Geithner argued that investing in our nation’s roads, bridges, rail and transit systems creates “both immediate and long-term economic benefits.”
President Obama: “I would like to see some long-term reforms in how transportation dollars flow…”
President Obama gave an interview to five columnists aboard Air Force One last week, talking at length about infrastructure, transportation, and the need to make serious reforms in transportation spending — hinting at how proper investments in transportation can help boost the economy while making the downpayment on a 21st Century transportation system we’re all hoping for.