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TransportationCamp DC is definitely happening! Join us on Saturday, January 11th

14 Nov 2019 | Posted by | 7 Comments |

Transportation for America is taking over TransportationCamp DC 2020, bringing back this popular annual event. We’re excited to host over 500 movers and shakers committed to transforming transportation. Will you be there?

TransportationCamp by M.V. Jantzen

In the words of one TransportationCamp enthusiast: “Where else do you get 500 professionals to spend 13 hours on a Saturday talking about transportation?”

That’s what makes TransportationCamp special. TransportationCamp is the only place where advocates, practitioners, business leaders, professionals, students, and anyone else who might call themselves a “transportation nerd” can gather to take a holistic view of everything happening in transportation—because it’s the only space where all these people can come together. It’s a melting pot of the entire universe of people fighting tirelessly to make transportation safe, affordable, equitable, and sustainable. 

As an “unconference,” the agenda is set almost entirely by participants. Attendees show up with session proposals in hand (if they have one) that can focus on anything, broad or specific: bus routing, data analysis, ensuring equitable access to transit, autonomous vehicles, federal policy, health, or your favorite transit marketing campaigns. The sky is the limit. Sessions can be as structured as a research presentation prepared for the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting taking place the following week, or as informal as a brainstorm session with the passionate, knowledgeable TransportationCamp crowd.

Register for TransportationCamp!

Here’s an example of why TransportationCamp is so special to me: earlier this year, at TransportationCamp DC 2019, my mom hosted a session. She’s a city council member in my hometown, and was worried (rightly so) that a street widening project in our neighborhood would increase vehicle speeds. She needed advice from Campers on street designs she could propose that would keep speeds low.

And the Campers delivered: a group of about 10 urban planners, engineers, and students brainstormed that the best solution to my mom’s problem was a small roundabout. And that’s exactly what my hometown decided to build when my mom brought the idea back home. 

TransportationCamp’s power to turn brainstorming into action is exactly why Transportation for America is thrilled to bring it back for 2020 and serve as host. 

With demographic changes, climate change, and the advent of new mobility technologies, transportation is in the midst of rapid change. By gathering a diverse group of passionate people in a room, TransportationCamp can help make sure that all of these changes and innovations serve a broader, meaningful goal: improving access to jobs and services for everyone, equitably, safely, and sustainably. 

Tickets are on sale for TransportationCamp DC now. If you’re interested in sponsoring, please email jenna.fortunati@t4america.org


  1. Steve Yaffe

    5 years ago

    Will T4America accept First Session submittals in advance? That’s been done in the past. I have one ready that I presented at the Health in All Policies conference.

  2. Phil Jutras

    5 years ago

    Acccess andarrival to destinatgions is critical.. Including various types of travel: autos.bus, communter train, bike, walking. We should also examin the increase level of air polution from cars and trucks and exm;ain access to electic vehicles.

  3. Benjamin Flowers

    5 years ago

    I work in the transportation and technology sector in Liberia, especially the Motorcyclist Union of Liberia and I am interested in attending the upcoming TransportationCamp DC 2020. Is it opened to international attendees or only for those in America?

    • Jenna Fortunati

      5 years ago

      Hi Benjamin, it’s open to everyone! We hope to see you there!

  4. Chris Simmons

    5 years ago

    Will T4America be providing TransportationCamp technical assistance or materials to other places around the country interested in replicating the model? We’ve watched from afar, but we don’t have any local examples that we can build on…

    • Jenna Fortunati

      5 years ago

      Hi Chris, we won’t be but I can add you to a Slack group of organizers from across the country. You can email me at jenna(dot)fortunati(at)t4america(dot)org to be added


        5 years ago

        Hi Jenna, I help to organize the TCamp PHL event (Philadelphia). Would T4America be interested in being a sponsor?