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22 communities selected to participate in the second cohort of T4America’s Smart Cities Collaborative

Transportation for America is pleased to announce the 22 communities selected to participate in the second cohort of the organization’s Smart Cities Collaborative program that will continue exploring how emerging technologies and new mobility options can improve urban transportation. Over the coming year, the Collaborative will once again bring together cities to cooperatively tackle the challenges related to implementing smart mobility policies and projects.

“Whether electric scooters, new dockless bikesharing systems, curbside delivery, or ridesourcing services, the pace of innovation is accelerating and these technologies and new mobility options are already on our streets and having an impact in our communities.” said Russ Brooks, Transportation for America’s Director of Smart Cities. “The cities participating in the Collaborative understand that they can’t sit by and let the private sector determine their fate. These cities are eager to engage proactively to ensure that the benefits of these technologies accrue to all parts of society and don’t create a new generation of transportation haves and have-nots.”

This year’s cohort will focus on how emerging technologies and new mobility options are reshaping the right-of-way and curb space, and changing the way we move through our communities.

“Cities have to move people and goods as efficiently as possible to thrive. Streets and curb space are some of the most important assets cities control, yet they’re often undermanaged. There is increasing demand for the right-of-way, and access to the curb is becoming the most desired piece of real estate in a city. Our goal is to empower cities to more effectively manage these assets at their disposal to solve their transportation challenges and become more efficient, safe, and equitable cities,” said Brooks.

Over 50 cities applied to be a part of the Collaborative this year, with 12 of the 16 cities in the first cohort of the Collaborative returning to continue in this second year. The inaugural cohort tackled challenges related to automated vehicles, shared mobility and how to use data to manage complex transportation networks.

“Seattle is excited to be one of the 12 cities returning to the Collaborative for a second year. The Collaborative is a terrific venue for cities to work cooperatively, share our thinking, and develop solutions to our common challenges. During the first year, the Collaborative helped us learn lessons from other cities as we advance and iterate our own new mobility strategies. We have directly employed what we learned from the Collaborative as we anticipate transportation disruption and continue to build a safe, people-centered, equitable, and carbon-free transportation system in Seattle,” said Evan Corey Costagliola, New Mobility Program Manager at the Seattle Department of Transportation.

The Collaborative will hold its first meeting in Denver on April 16-17. Throughout the year the communities will participate in a variety of interactive workshops, both with each other and with industry-leading transportation experts. From there, the participants will receive direct technical assistance and share the results of their projects with the rest of the Collaborative to drive best practices across the country.

The 22 communities participating in the Collaborative in 2018 are:

Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Boulder, CO
Centennial, CO
Gainesville, FL
Houston, TX
Indianapolis, IN
Los Angeles, CA
Madison, WI
Miami-Dade, FL
Minneapolis, MN
New York, NY
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Jose, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Seattle, WA
Toronto, ON
Washington, DC
West Sacramento, CA


Sign up for news from the Smart Cities Collaborative. You don’t have to participate in the Collaborative to hear more about what these 22 cities are learning, what they’re sharing with one another, and what we’re all reading each week when it comes to the rapidly evolving world of urban mobility. Click the button below and tick the box for Smart Cities news.

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What have participants said about the Smart Cities Collaborative?

In 2016, supported by Sidewalk Labs, T4 America created the inaugural Smart Cities Collaborative cohort to help 16 cities proactively harness emerging technologies to improve mobility & quality of life. Here’s what some of the participants from that inaugural class of 16 cities had to say during that first year.


  1. Pingback: Transportation For America How should cities determine value and price access to the curb and right-of-way? - Transportation For America

  2. David Orr

    6 years ago

    It would be very helpful to get details on the cities participating in the Collaborative. What are they doing right? What are they hoping to improve upon? What are their goals for the future? How will the Collaborative aid them in meeting these goals? Please provide more information!

    • Steve Davis

      6 years ago

      David, I definitely recommend signing up for the newsletter mentioned above. So much of what you mention are things we hope to suss out and help them develop over the course of the year, especially in this first meeting coming up in Denver where all the cities will be starting with their goals, problems and desired outcomes. And we’ll be reporting on things along way so be sure to sign up for that list!

  3. Doug Basinger

    6 years ago

    Agreed. This would be helpful information to be able to access.

  4. Q: Was RALEIGH or Durham or Charlotte North Carolina one of the 50 cities that applied for the Collaborative this year?!

  5. Q; Were any of the 50 cities that participated in this Smart Cities Collaborative 2018 from North Carolina?


  6. Pingback: City of Pittsburgh To Participate in Second Cohort of Smart Cities Collaborative Program - Pittsburgh Green Story

  7. Eugenia Wallace

    6 years ago

    I would like to be a participant of the Smart Cities Collaborative in my community Alanta, GA to assist in the promotion of emerging technologies to improve mobility and quality of life. I am handicap struggling with insufficient mobility due to living below poverty level income.

  8. JC

    6 years ago

    I wish Philadelphia, PA was participating because their system is the pits with rising fares and nothing to show for it. It’s not very interested in the elderly or those with leg issues when several of their subway stations do not have escalators/elevators. The alternative is a very infrequent bus route on Broad St. Also, their cloth seats either aren’t cleaned very often or the ridership is disrespectful of cleanliness and eating all sorts of food on the buses and elevated trains.

  9. Jay

    6 years ago

    Do you engage with inquiries on this page?
