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Watch the recap discussion of “Building Healthy and Prosperous Communities”

Building Healthy and Prosperous Communities: How Metro Areas are Building More and Better Bicycling and Walking Projects identifies ways that metro planning agencies are planning, funding and building more and better walking and bicycling projects in their communities. To learn more, download the guidebook, view the recording of the webinar below, or read some of the questions answered by the presenters.

On December 11, Transportation for America hosted a webinar discussion highlighting the eight strategies covered in the guidebook:

  1. Design guidance for bicycling and walking projects
  2. Complete Streets policies and programs
  3. Bicycle and walking data collection
  4. Performance measures
  5. Dedicated funding for bicycling and walking projects
  6. Improving walking and bicycling connections to public transportation and essential destinations
  7. Grassroots community engagement
  8. Understanding the public health impacts of transportation behaviors.

In the guidebook each of these eight strategy areas are explained through in-depth, technical case studies of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) across the country who have done this work, navigated barriers, and succeeded.

Joining the discussion were representatives from three of the MPOs featured in the guidebook. Cortney Geary from the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization shared about their “Community to Region” performance measures framework which has helped prioritize multimodal projects for federal funding. Daniel Kaempff from Metro in Portland, Oregon shared how Metro has improved the design of walking and bicycling projects to encourage active transportation and keep people safe. And Jeff Pollack from the Corpus Christi MPO discussed the development of the region’s customized Bicycle Mobility Network plan and extensive community engagement process.

Want to learn more?

Check out the following resources to learn how to make more progress in building more and better projects to encourage walking and biking:

Stay tuned

In 2018 we’ll take a deep dive into a handful of the case studies featured in this guidebook. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get more technical questions answered by your MPO peers and experts.

Questions and answers

For those of you who really want to dive in deep, we went back and obtained detailed answers from our presenters to some of the questions that we weren’t able to answer during the webinar. You can view them here.