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So what do you want from transportation?

21 Jan 2011 | Posted by | 2 Comments | ,

We noticed that the folks at AASHTO are asking all their visitors to weigh in and “tell Congress” what they want to see in a transportation bill, and more broadly, what they think we need to be building and doing with our transportation dollars.

During the six-week campaign, people can use AASHTO’s Facebook page to post YouTube videos and written comments about their transportation priorities, ideas, and personal stories. Already a number of people have weighed-in on their concerns, from traffic congestion and safety, to high-speed rail and job creation through greater investment in transportation projects.

To view or post your comment, go to http://www.transportation.org/IToldCongress.

We like their idea and encourage you to weigh in with them.

As some of our polls and other groups’ polling have shown, Americans have a pretty good idea what we want to spend our money on. We want to have more options for getting around. Nobody wants to be stuck with only one way to get where they need to go. We need to do a better job of fixing what we’ve already got before we spend money on a lot of expensive new things. Travel should be safe, no matter whether we’re in a car, on a train or on foot or bike. Our communities need to have the power to build what we need to get us where we need to go.

So go and tell AASTHO: What do you want?


  1. Art Wedra

    14 years ago

    I am strongly in favor of development of a high speed rail system separate from freight rail…not by investment of taxpayer dollars but through a bond issue with a reasonable interest rate. High speed rail would offer downtown to downtown transportation faster than airplane and faster than using the interstate highway system via the automobile. I have witnessed stoppage of 6+ lanes of travel due to an accident of a single vehicle on an interstate highway. We are at least a decade behind about 12 other nations in the development of high speed rail…so we need to get on with it using our best technology…resulting in more conservation of fuel resources, more efficient transportation and better speed between populated areas.

  2. Barry Childress

    14 years ago

    Have you seen the comments? Almost all are for better mass transit and more consideration for walking and biking. There is even a fair amount of support for high speed rail.