Posts Tagged "BIke/Ped"
Three separate ballot measures for transportation in the Atlanta region cleared to proceed
After the crushing defeat of a huge regional transportation ballot measure in 2012, Atlanta is poised to rebound this fall. After recent action by city and county leaders to place measures on the ballot, voters in the Atlanta region will be making at least three critical decisions this fall about sizable new investments in transportation.
Crucial amendment could improve Senate bill, restore local control and help make streets safer
The Senate’s transportation bill, MAP-21, goes farther than any recent transportation measure to devolve responsibility and funds down to the state level. An amendment to be debated this week would push that devolution even further – down to the local level — for a small pot of money that could make a big difference.
Correcting some misinformation on bicycle and pedestrian spending
Bike and pedestrian projects get less than 1.5 percent of federal transportation funding — despite recent misinformation to the contrary. There’s some misinformation percolating about the size of the transportation enhancements program — the small dedicated program that has funded projects to make biking and walking safer and more convenient for 20 years. Some misleading […]