Strong local economies…
…are the foundation of a
strong national economy
But today, America’s economic competitiveness is threatened
because our cities, towns and suburbs are not getting the resources necessary to keep up with
transportation needs. At the same time, our existing federal transportation fund is on the verge of
bankruptcy in the face of slackening gas tax receipts and severe budget cuts.
Today we need to make new connections
within our communities – cities and towns big and small. Because those places are where the
economy happens – but it’s also where both freight and commuters are getting stuck and where our
nation’s transportation program is the weakest.
Local communities have the vision
For transportation networks that will ensure that:
businesses can recruit a diverse, dependable workforce;
goods can reach their destination cheaply and efficiently;
and our cities, suburbs and towns can attract talent and compete on a global scale.
Smart, innovative investment
in ambitious, locally-driven transportation plans is a key ingredient for economic prosperity.
It determines whether opportunity grows or shrinks, for businesses large and small, and for workers at all wage levels,
including those who today are unemployed or struggling
because of the cost or availability of transportation.
Visionary local leaders across the country
are taking a clear-eyed look at what needs to be done, asking their voters to tax themselves, and
succeeding. Yet, try as they might, these places still can’t do it alone. These plans still depend on
Congress keeping the nation’s transportation fund in the black.
And right now that’s threatened.
Transportation for America
is helping these local leaders come together to make sure the federal government doesn’t drop the
ball, and that states and the federal government invests in smart, homegrown, locally-driven
transportation solutions.