Economic Impact Analysis
- Discounted for T4A members
- Uses a TREDIS or REMI model.
- Fully written EIA including consultation
- Highlight the project’s local economic impacts
- Provide a jobs analysis
- Advice on how to use this document to create public support for your project with the EIA.
Benefit-Cost Analysis
- Discounted for T4A members
- Uses a TREDIS or REMI model
- Advise on project scoping
- Conduct a formal BCA that meets BUILD criteria
- An hour-long debrief call
- Advice on how to create public support for your project with the BCA.
most popular
- Discounted for T4A members
- An hour-long project review pre-review call
- Review of the proposal with commentary
- An hour-long post-review call
- Ability to build support for the project.
T4A member-exclusive brainstorm session
Free for members
- Exclusive free option only for T4A members
- Expert-led hour-long project vetting pre-review call
- Review pertinent federal rules and regulations
- Public support building strategy review
- Optional referral to a grant writing consultant