T4A Polls
Over the last few years, T4 America has conducted a handful of opinion polls and surveys on transportation and transportation-related issues. You can find those polls catalogued here, as well as a few from other organizations and sources below the T4 America polls. Send any questions to info [at] t4america [dot] org.
Survey: To recruit and keep millennials, give them walkable places with good transist and other options
April 2014
Four in five millennials say they want to live in places where they have a variety of options to get to jobs, school or daily needs, according to a new survey of Americans age 18-34 in 10 major U.S. cities. Three in four say it is likely they will live in a place where they do not need a car to get around. But a majority in all but the largest metros rate their own cities “fair” or “poor” in providing public transportation, and they want more options such as car share and bike share.
Future of Transportation National Survey
March 2010
American voters overwhelmingly support broader access to public transportation and safe walking and biking, according to this national poll conducted in March 2010. American voters have a strong and broadly shared desire to expand the transportation options available to them, and for the federal government to take a more active role in financially supporting a wide range of transportation options – including public transportation, biking, and walking.
2009 Growth And Transportation Survey
January 2009
This poll, conducted on behalf of Transportation for American and the National Association of Realtors, demonstrates that Americans are ready for major, transformative change — and a majority believe that completing the second half of our transportation system and repairing our roads and bridges, should take precedence over building new highways. USA Today’s “Snapshot” used data from this poll to make a front page graphic on May 13, 2009. Source: USA TODAY
Other Surveys & Opinion Research
Rockefeller Foundation 2011 transportation survey
February 2011
This new bipartisan poll from the Rockefeller Foundation contains compelling arguments from a majority of Americans in favor of increased and accountable investment in transportation. The poll shows unequivocally that voters from across the political spectrum are tired of bickering and want Congress to seek compromise. And almost nowhere else is their desire for cooperation and solutions greater than with the issue of transportation infrastructure.
9/13/2010 USA Today graphic sourced from HTNB poll on infrastructure funding: