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Our seven favorite tweets from the #SafetyOverSpeed tweet chat

12 Nov 2019 | Posted by | 0 Comments |

Last week we hosted a tweet chat to discuss the importance of prioritizing #SafetyOverSpeed, in tandem with our week of blogs discussing our second principle for transportation policy. Here are our seven favorite tweets from the chat. 

Thanks to our tremendous co-hosts for making the Tweet Chat a success: Smart Growth America, the National Complete Streets Coalition, U.S. PIRG, America Walks, the League of American Bicyclists, the National Association of City Transportation Officials, and Strong Towns.

Missed Transportation for America’s Safety over Speed blog posts? Check them out.

Now to our favorite questions!

Why are there more deaths on arterials—”stroads” in the words of Strong Towns—than on highways with speed limits as high as 70 mph?

Why are most local and arterial roads—particularly in sprawling suburbs and cities—still being designed for high speeds? 

Lowering speed limits alone does little to reduce speeds. How can we better slow vehicles on local and arterial roads? 

According to Dangerous By Design, older adults, people of color, and people walking in low-income communities are disproportionately represented in fatal pedestrian crashes. Why, and how can we fix this?

What are some economic benefits of slowing down streets? 

Transportation is the largest source of U.S. carbon emissions. How can lowering speeds help reduce those emissions?

Speed is often considered a local and state issue. Why should the feds get involved, and how can they support communities that make their streets safer?