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A look back at the overwhelming support for restoring Gulf Coast passenger rail [VIDEO]

The Gulf Coast inspection train, run by Amtrak in partnership with the Southern Rail Commission (SRC), toured a potential route and examined the CSX tracks last week from February 18-19th. It was the product of years of work by local residents and elected leaders at almost all levels to restore the passenger rail service wiped out by Katrina over ten years ago.

Note: Transportation for America serves in an official capacity as policy advisors for SRC. -Ed.

Transportation for America was along for the ride, interviewing local residents and the local, state and federal elected officials along the two-day route. Read all of our posts on the trip here in order:

And don’t miss this short video below that we produced on the trip, which was shown to the Senate Commerce Committee this morning in a hearing on passenger rail issues.


  1. John Roach

    9 years ago

    One more link to re-establishing nation-wide rail passenger service—-[get the politicians on board

  2. Thomas Carlyon

    9 years ago

    I travel between the Orlando area and Texas frequently and would prefer to take the train again. But not going by way of Washington! That’s insane.

  3. Dennis Scott

    9 years ago

    I strongly encourage that access for patrons with bicycles be provided on this route.

  4. Ronnie Thompson

    9 years ago

    This should definitely be rebuilt.

  5. Wren Price

    9 years ago

    Really nice to see the broad and enthusiastic support all along the Gulf Coat route.