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Join us as we unveil “The Innovative MPO”

Chances are, your commute this morning was shaped by the work of a metropolitan planning organization – and not only your commute, but also your entire metro region, at least to some degree.

Innovative MPO web graphic 2

Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) connect a region’s roads, bridges, transit systems, bike lanes, and sidewalks to economic, educational, and social opportunities. Their decisions can impact traffic congestion, development patterns, workforce development, public health, and how a region connects to larger national and global markets.

Join us for the launch of The Innovative MPO. The last several years have seen a surge in innovative thinking and practice among MPOs nationwide, and their work has inspired a new guidebook to help MPO staff, board members, and civic leaders find innovative ways to make communities prosper.

Transportation for America will hold an online discussion about the new resource on Wednesday, December 10 at 1 PM EST. Register today for this free online event:


This guidebook is designed to offer a range of new ideas in planning, programming, technical analysis and community partnership, from those that cost little in staff time or dollars to more complex and expensive undertakings.

MPOs can push the envelope and innovate — whether to stretch public resources, achieve multiple benefits with a transportation dollar or simultaneously advance regional and economic development priorities. This new guidebook provides ideas how.

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1 Comment

  1. I am not able to participate on the webinar December 10. I would be interested in obtaining the material you will be discussing on December 10. How may I do that.
    Thanks. Linda