
Join T4America as a member today

Join us as a member!

To get more detailed information about membership, including benefits, pricing structure or how to join, click the button below to fill out an online membership form and speak with our staff.

Membership Form

Membership types

Public-Sector Members

Business-Sector Members

Non-Profit Members

“For more than a decade, T4A has been a great resource for the Metro Atlanta Chamber and we’re proud to support its work. Their staff’s expertise in federal, state and local issues is always timely and strategic.”

Dave Williams, Senior VP Public Policy, Metro Atlanta Chamber

Transportation for America (T4A) is the leading national organization committed to empowering local business, civic and elected leaders to build the transportation projects that increase economic prosperity, reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and advance equity.

Transportation for America is on the leading edge of what’s happening in the world of transportation planning and policy, and membership in T4America will amplify your knowledge and influence. On issues ranging from national legislation to trending practices in planning and executing transportation projects, members have special access to the insights of our staff and network of experts. Additionally, membership connects you with a diverse group of like-minded leaders who are planning, funding and building smarter transportation networks in their communities.

Unique among transportation-focused organizations, Transportation for America fosters the collaboration that is critical to success.

Member Benefits

Member benefits:

Timely insight and information on transportation policy. From the White House to the state house, members
receive insightful information and analysis of pressing national transportation policy issues.

Access to members-only resources. Members have access to the extensive information we provide to support your
advocacy campaigns and strategies, including early access to reports and other resources before public release.

Professional development and networking with diverse communities. Participation in a premier network of
elected officials, practitioners, civic leaders, business professionals, and others dedicated to reforming how we spend
transportation dollars at the federal, state and local levels.

Publicity. Amplify your reach by publicizing and celebrating your achievements through our newsletter, blog, social
media properties, and other communications. We also create joint report release opportunities among members to
connect national transportation issues with your local examples.

Exclusive discounts on our products and events. Take advantage of special discount offers on a variety of products and services, including reduced registration fees at T4America-sponsored events. Members may also access special offers on a variety of products and services from our partners.

Opportunities to collaborate. We engage in partnerships and collaborations with our members in order to
continually advance our leadership network. We cross-promote member events and resources that advance our
mission and offer opportunities to participate in and develop programs.

Capital Ideas Lori Weigel

T4America is: