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Watch live today as we launch a new alliance of #CanDoLeaders

19 Nov 2013 | Posted by | 7 Comments | ,

Today is the start of a brand new focus for Transportation for America.

Since 2008, we’ve been a leading advocate in Washington for a national investment plan for transportation that matches today’s challenges and opportunities. We’re proud to have your support on these important issues.

Today, we’re launching the next phase: A new alliance of business, elected, and civic leaders from cities, towns and suburbs across the nation. They know how valuable a robust transportation network is for local economies, and that stronger local economies build a stronger America. They will be there to stand up for local communities as Congress in 2014 addresses the growing hole in the transportation fund and the expiration of last year’s MAP-21 law.

The new alliance kicks off today: Tune in this morning to the live webcast below, which goes live at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. (Stream is now complete, thanks for watching! Keep your eyes peeled on our blog for recaps and videos from the day. – Ed.

LOCAL ECONOMIES, NATIONAL PROSPERITY: Community leaders make the economic case for federal investment in transportation

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
8:30 AM—1:00 PM EST

We’re at Washington, DC’s Union Station this morning — a transportation hub just steps from the U.S. Capitol—to talk with some of the nation’s economic development and transportation leaders. Tune in this morning from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM EST to watch a live webcast of the keynote speakers and panelists, and be sure to join the conversation on Twitter at the hashtag #CanDoLeaders.

We’ll be keeping up with all of you on twitter while at the event this morning, so reach out to us with the hashtag and @t4america

If you’re a regular visitor, you may have noticed a brand new and improved T4America.org. We’ll have more on the new site later today, but poke around and explore. And don’t miss a new video showcasing our vision, shared by communities around the country, for investment to serve the needs of today’s economy, for people of all wage levels and businesses of all sizes.


Welcome and Introductions

  • James Corless, Director, Transportation for America
  • Michael Myers, Senior Policy Officer and Director of Centennial Programming, Rockefeller Foundation

8:45-9:45 AM
What it takes for local economies to thrive – the role of smart transportation investments

  • Moderator: Ronnie Duncan, Chairman, Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Authority
  • The Hon. Ben McAdams, Mayor, Salt Lake County, Utah
  • Sumi Parekh, Director of Legislative Affairs, Los Angeles Business Council
  • Will Schroeer, Director, Infrastructure for Economic Development, Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Gary Sasso, Chair, Transportation, Tampa Bay Partnership

10:00-11:00 AM
Barriers to success – making the federal transportation program work for local communities

  • Moderator: The Hon. Marc Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League; Former Mayor, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • The Hon. Ken Moore, Mayor, Franklin, Tennessee
  • The Hon. Mark Mallory, Mayor, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Mike McKeever, Chief Executive Officer, Sacramento Area Council of Governments

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Building bridges – the importance of diverse alliances and new partners

  • Moderator: Wade Henderson, President and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
  • Dave Williams, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Metro Atlanta Chamber
  • María Elena Durazo, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO
  • Anita Hairston, Associate Director, PolicyLink


12:10-12:30 PM
Keynote Speaker

Moving Forward: Federal priorities connecting state and local opportunities

  • The Honorable Polly Trottenberg, Under Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation

12:30-1:00 PM
Transportation for America’s Call to Action

  • The Honorable John Robert Smith, Former Mayor, Meridian, MS


  1. Pingback: This morning T4America kicks off a new alliance of #CanDoLeaders | Smart Growth America

  2. FRANK

    11 years ago

    I am Obiviously for Rapid Transit.
    However, the problem is: the Twin Cites of Minneapolis and St Paul along with other cities across the USA once had Streets Cars. well, No Thanks to the Auto Makers, they were force out of business in the 50’s. now we talk about putting it back in. Well, the Problem now is. the Burbs are father and father and father out, and the Transit is getting worst and worst and worst. leaving no Alterative. There’s no real way of having Direct.Bus Service, with out stoping on every block for lazy people. Obviously, they are people that have a hard time walkng they now have their own Sr Citiezen Transit. It’s the lazy people in good shape, that hold up the buses..

  3. Eric Peterson

    11 years ago

    Your web broadcast has lost its sound.

  4. Sovereign Citizen

    11 years ago

    Let’s see, who else had the trains running on time? Ah yes, Mussolini! Another fascist just like you Smart Growth criminals.

    GIVE IT UP! America is waking up to your totalitarian socialists. We do not want World Government.

  5. Wafaa Abirashed

    11 years ago

    It is of the utmost concerns that transportation be affordable to the people who are below the poverty levels, to youth, and to the seniors. We also need to have TP away from the Fence Line Communities, consider the Health Impact to these Families and their future of those children. Lastly, we need proper regulations on the pollutions the is destroying our “Mother Earth”

  6. DeAnza Sapien

    11 years ago

    Watching from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
    Hon. Marc Morial’s message is right on target for the future of our transportation investment in this country.
    Great work T4A.

  7. Theron White

    11 years ago

    OK Sovereign Citizen, Just as long as you realize it was the socialists that built the highways that you drive on everyday.