T4America Blog

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Posts Tagged "2012 conference"

Senate plan to give local communities more control in making their streets safer could be in jeopardy

It’s always hard to tell for certain what’s really happening on the inside during House-Senate conference committee negotiations on the transportation bill. Nearly all of the meetings are in private for the most part and confirming rumors and hearsay on what’s really happening is always very difficult. Which is one reason why you haven’t read […]

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Final House-Senate bill must prioritize the repair of our bridges and roads

17 May 2012 | Posted by | 0 Comments |

After months of hard work and thousands of calls and e-mails from many of you, we’re close to finally seeing a full transportation bill reach a final vote. A select group of House and Senate members are negotiating the final transportation bill right now in a conference committee, and they have immense power to affect the final product. Can you take a minute to tell your senators and representative to prioritize the repair of our roads and bridges during negotiations?

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